Sketchstorming: A powerful tool for ideation and alignment.

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Sketchstorming: A powerful tool for ideation and alignment

Have you ever designed an awesome solution only to find out that it can’t be built? Or, has an engineer built a feature in a way that doesn’t correspond to your designs? Maybe a sales person promised a customer something that your product doesn’t do? These situations are all due to a fundamental misalignment in what the product/service you are building can do and how someone would use it. These situations are also completely avoidable by using a simple, powerful tool to get aligned on what you are building. The tool is called “Sketchstorming” and it can be used with teams at any point in the development lifecycle, or for any portion of a customer experience. In this half-day course, you will learn how to conduct a sketchstorm with your team to inform your designs and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

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Entry Level Tools & Techniques
Location: Caribbean 1 Date: June 25, 2018 Time: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Wendy Castleman Grace Pariente