Design Thinking at Scale

Link to session survey

Design Thinking at Scale

This half day course will start by briefly describing how one company’s CEO and a core group of Design-minded advocates brought user centered design back to the forefront of said enterprise – through creation of an extensive learning and hiring program as well as an internal center of competency.

Next, we’ll give a brief overview of our Design Thinking framework and explain how it differs from other Design Thinking methodologies, with the inclusion of the new dimensions: hills, playbacks and sponsor users.

The majority of time will be spent broken into teams, working a design challenge through hands-on activities that allow the participants to explore the framework used throughout the iterative process.

Link to session survey

Entry Level Tools & Techniques
Location: Canary Date: June 25, 2018 Time: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Kevin L. Schultz Brian Utesch