What’s the Story? From Tactical to Strategic – Creating a Corporate Research Framework

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What’s the Story? From Tactical to Strategic – Creating a Corporate Research Framework

You have a research team. You sit in meetings. Your team is developing a healthy research repertoire, including usability testing sessions, stakeholders interviews, expert reviews, and even manage to cram in the occasional remote testing project. Things are looking good.

You have a ton of insights coming in and the project teams are committed to applying the learnings in upcoming releases. But well-meaning stakeholders POs and PMs are still chasing quarterly objectives and you get the feeling the team is treading water and not advancing any real knowledge. Insights are unstructured, and it seems like you are running the same tests without developing any new major insights.

The Wall of User Knowledge is upon you and you feel you haven’t even scraped its surface. How can your research become predictive rather than reactive? How can you model user behaviour and build your insights into a company-wide tool? In a nutshell, how do you move from tactical to strategic?
This talk will focus on showcasing UX research transformation by showing different methods and tools to systematise insights and user knowledge into cohesive customer stories linked to experience streams. From note taking to advanced coding, from creating basic reference reports to developing a complete research framework, this talk will focus on the methods and structures that go into achieving a research delivery and modelling frame that can frame real user knowledge as a team narrative.

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Intermediate UX Strategy
Location: Caribbean 2 Date: June 27, 2018 Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Alberto Ferreira